Hi Everyone! It's great to be back. After an excellent summer I feel completely rejuvenated and ready for an amazing year of science discovery. I did a bunch of great, sciencey things this summer, most of which I will tell you about I'm sure. I read some terrific science books, took a chemistry class, wrote curriculum for a coming summer program at a local school, and spent a good portion of time near the ocean. One of my favorite trips this summer was a mushroom gathering trip I took with a friend of mine who is an amateur mycophile (someone who gathers mushrooms). We found a lot of amazing mushrooms, some edible and some not. This is a picture of me with the "Chicken of the Woods" that we found. Later that evening, I cooked it up and ate it!
Respond to this post by letting me know something sciencey that you did this summer.
Hi!This summer i read a 450 page book called " The milky way galaxy" By Degail Tyson
This summer I watch a nature documentary about deserts, the oceans and glaciers.
I studied a spider that lived on our front porch for the summer
I had a lot of fun this summer. The main part of my summer I was away boating and playing tenis!
Jake was working on a genetic algorithm and looking at a basic quantum mechanics book ^.^
I went to Canada for a wilderness camp and I learned all about diffrent tree's, diffrent insect's, and I learned all about kollomiter's and how many mile's it is.
this summer i saw a show that talks about having little things that help a lot to make your house more eco friendly
hello Dan this summer I went rowing in the Schuylkill river and the sciency thing about that is momentum. My proof is that when I was in a pinner which is the second to thinnest boat I noticed when I stopped rowing the boat came to a near stop.
i read a book on slugs and snail i also had a nest on my pouch that had blue egg in it that i studied.
sorry bought the name its sophie this summer i ...did...well a bunch of eco frendly things i just cant rember the excat things
I picked blue berries and went camping for five days plus I sifted and found lots of minerals.
I went fishing and put the fish in a bucket of water then studied its featers, then i let them free, it was really cool. I almost got stuck in some wet mud i thought it was quick sand! :D
Over the summer, I helped my sister with her frogs, researched a program on space and read lots and lots of books. Does that count? The program is called celestia. My book on space was called "THE UNIVERSE" cool huh?
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